Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Skyler's First Hair Cut

Tonight was a big night for our little one--another milestone. After waiting as long as her poor dried out frizzy hair could wait, our two year old finally got her first hair cut. It was a trim, really, but took some effort to get all the layers into one straight cut. It was kind of fun to be together and make a "beauty shop" moment of it all, but how bitter-sweet to cut off those little baby hairs and realize she's not a baby anymore. This has been a week of milestones--we accomplished potty-training. She went to church Wednesday night in big girl panties and came home all dry--a pretty big accomplishment for a 27 month old. But I still hang on to every ounce of baby girl I can. Sooner than I'd like she'll be all grown up. This is just the beginning! :)


Amy said...

Oh my! i don't know if I was ready for that! :) No really, it looks adoreable. I can't wait to kiss that little head this weekend. Love, MiMi

Emily said...

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