Skyler was standing in her chair at the dinner table five minutes ago, alone, because she wouldn't eat at dinner time with everyone else. She was bent over looking at her toes and I hear...
"I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of America, and to the republic, for which it stands, dalmations, under God, invisible, and liberty and justice for all."
I'm just SOOOO PROUD!!!!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Friday, January 2, 2009
Out of Town
Well, Grandma passed away on Tuesday night at 11:45. I ended up staying in Amarillo until Monday evening, after a somewhat good report from the doctor. She was at least comfortable and stable--it was just a waiting game at that point since she was not eating or drinking. I'm leaving in the morning with Chloe Grace to fly back for the funeral and will be there just for the day. Please pray for safe travel and easy travel for Chloe. It has been a whirlwind this week--I got home, left again with Coby for New Year's, came home, and I'm leaving again, so she's out of sorts. And she's teething, which is hard for her.
I'm at an interesting emotional place tonight. I'm sure it's grieving of sorts, but it's just a bunch of thoughts--no tears, no sadness--just uneasy and full of questions. I need peace, and I know my God is big enough to provide ALL I need and all my sweet family needs right now. And we're starting a new semester MONDAY!!!???? This holiday is over way too soon.
I hope you are all doing well--I know some of you have experienced much loss yourselves this holiday season, and my prayers are with you. Thanks for being such faithful friends!!
I'm at an interesting emotional place tonight. I'm sure it's grieving of sorts, but it's just a bunch of thoughts--no tears, no sadness--just uneasy and full of questions. I need peace, and I know my God is big enough to provide ALL I need and all my sweet family needs right now. And we're starting a new semester MONDAY!!!???? This holiday is over way too soon.
I hope you are all doing well--I know some of you have experienced much loss yourselves this holiday season, and my prayers are with you. Thanks for being such faithful friends!!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Please PRAY!!!
Hello, ALL!!
I know it's been 2 months since I last blogged. Not even going to get into the craziness that is my life right now or the ridiculous MISTAKE of changing internet providers and the horrible drama that was for OVER A MONTH--just wanted to get back to blogging somehow and ask you all to pray for me and my family.
I'm in Amarillo tonight. Coby and I planned to drive in from his grandparents after our Christmas celebration with his family to see my grandparents. I tried to call my grandma this morning and no one answered the phone--when we arrived no one was home. After getting in touch with my uncle, I discovered she had been admitted to hospice care at the hospital and things don't look good. I knew she was doing poorly and had home health care come out to help her and my ailing grandfather, but I had no idea she was as sick as she is--apparently it is even a shock to her nurses. The hospice people said she's got not only the emphazema but also pulminary hypertension working against her. Her lungs are just done working. She's at 80% oxygen saturation tonight and in and out--not always comprehending what we are saying and not talking hardly at all. I think she has very little time left.
I chose to stay in town for a few days and sent Coby home with Skyler. Please pray for peace for my grandparents, God's perfect timing in taking her home, and an easy day tomorrow for Chloe Grace as she's with me here and the hospital is a hard place for a baby. Pray also for my uncle--he lost my dad eight years ago, his dad a few years ago, and his wife just five months ago. My grandma is all he has left of family and he's super sad.
I don't think it's a coincidence that I am here in this moment and that her health plummetted this weekend of all weekends. I would also ask that you would pray God would use me to minister to my family in a mighty way. It's kind of an uncomfortable situation, one that was TOTALLY unexpected, and my sweet grandpa is beside himself because of this--he doesn't want to lose her and needs to be able to let go.
So sad--thanks for your prayers. I love all my sisters who lift me up!! Blessings!!
She has emphazema and been on oxygen for a long time, but she's be
I know it's been 2 months since I last blogged. Not even going to get into the craziness that is my life right now or the ridiculous MISTAKE of changing internet providers and the horrible drama that was for OVER A MONTH--just wanted to get back to blogging somehow and ask you all to pray for me and my family.
I'm in Amarillo tonight. Coby and I planned to drive in from his grandparents after our Christmas celebration with his family to see my grandparents. I tried to call my grandma this morning and no one answered the phone--when we arrived no one was home. After getting in touch with my uncle, I discovered she had been admitted to hospice care at the hospital and things don't look good. I knew she was doing poorly and had home health care come out to help her and my ailing grandfather, but I had no idea she was as sick as she is--apparently it is even a shock to her nurses. The hospice people said she's got not only the emphazema but also pulminary hypertension working against her. Her lungs are just done working. She's at 80% oxygen saturation tonight and in and out--not always comprehending what we are saying and not talking hardly at all. I think she has very little time left.
I chose to stay in town for a few days and sent Coby home with Skyler. Please pray for peace for my grandparents, God's perfect timing in taking her home, and an easy day tomorrow for Chloe Grace as she's with me here and the hospital is a hard place for a baby. Pray also for my uncle--he lost my dad eight years ago, his dad a few years ago, and his wife just five months ago. My grandma is all he has left of family and he's super sad.
I don't think it's a coincidence that I am here in this moment and that her health plummetted this weekend of all weekends. I would also ask that you would pray God would use me to minister to my family in a mighty way. It's kind of an uncomfortable situation, one that was TOTALLY unexpected, and my sweet grandpa is beside himself because of this--he doesn't want to lose her and needs to be able to let go.
So sad--thanks for your prayers. I love all my sisters who lift me up!! Blessings!!
She has emphazema and been on oxygen for a long time, but she's be
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I've Been Tagged!!!
My friend Dona tagged me, and so I will now oblige...
This is a picture of me during a baby shower thrown for me by my Enrichment Hour class the year I was pregnant with Skyler. How cute am I??? They did good to bring decorations, as seen, and the tiara I'm wearing is now the tiara Skyler wears on her birthday every year.
This is Skyler at 1 year. Cute, isn't she!!?? I actually did have her wear it on the morning of her birthday when she was two and we didn't even have her at our house when she was three (she was at Poppie and Gibbie's), but I should have taken pictures. I'm the queen of not getting the picture when I need it. I need lessons from my sister-in-law!!! Anyhoo, it's my goal for her to wear it as many years as I can possibly convince her to. I want it to be tradition!!! :)
So for this tag....
1. Open your pictures folder.
2. Go to the sixth folder.
3. Open the sixth picture.
4. Import into your blog and tell the story.
I, too, will tag the first five on my blog list, so Adriana, Amy, Angela, (not Dona), Emily, and Jaime, you're it!!!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
It happening again this year...
Last night was the first night of many to follow that I had a dream about my dad. It is the same recurring dream. He is still alive, having recovered from cancer, only to pull me aside and tell me that it has returned. What does this mean? Why can't I dream of him in heaven, whole, and exactly like he was before that curse of a disease? Why is he healed and then sick again? Maybe this is just another step of the grieving process--maybe it's just reflection. I don't know. It's sad, though, and it makes me miss him. It makes me remember and wonder and sigh. October is such a hard month for me still.
Daddy, I can't wait to see you in heaven some day. I love you.
Last night was the first night of many to follow that I had a dream about my dad. It is the same recurring dream. He is still alive, having recovered from cancer, only to pull me aside and tell me that it has returned. What does this mean? Why can't I dream of him in heaven, whole, and exactly like he was before that curse of a disease? Why is he healed and then sick again? Maybe this is just another step of the grieving process--maybe it's just reflection. I don't know. It's sad, though, and it makes me miss him. It makes me remember and wonder and sigh. October is such a hard month for me still.
Daddy, I can't wait to see you in heaven some day. I love you.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Let me just say that accountability is good. I like it. I APPRECIATE IT!! But THREATS are just not nice!!! :) A dear friend, who shall remain nameless, gave me the good kick in the pants I needed last night with a straightforward threat that if I didn't start blogging again, I'd be REMOVED from her list of links on her blog. I'm hurt a little, but it's a good kind of hurt.
I mean, I haven't blogged since July 2nd for crying out loud. Granted, I've had a baby, started working again, married off a sister, gone on vacation, handled a few family crises, and lived "normal" life with two children (which, by the way, is exponentially more work than one kid), but really, who doesn't have the same obligations in her life? You all are such consistent bloggers, and I appreciate you. I must admit I've been quite overwhelmed at my life, but excuses are worthless. I love doing this--I just have to find the time.
So my question....are you still there? If you think my efforts are worth it, will you please leave me some encouragement? I know it's kind of selfish, but it honestly helps me when I have comments. Pitiful, isn't it. My goal is to blog for the sake of blogging, even if no one reads it, but I do love to be read. I think most bloggers do, or they wouldn't even do it in the first place.
SO I ramble. Leave me a comment. I leave you with a picture that depicts my life right now. CRAZY!!!! :)
SO I ramble. Leave me a comment. I leave you with a picture that depicts my life right now. CRAZY!!!! :)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Life in the Making
A trip to the Arboretum...

Two and a half weeks old...
Skyler taking a nap with the leopard at the zoo...
A trip to the Arboretum...

Taking our first swim...
Sorry some of these pictures are backwards. I've tried and tried to fix them. They look fine on my computer, but don't transfer into Blogger the right way. Oh well. :) And for those of you who were waiting for these, my internet was down for TWO DAYS!!! Technology!!!
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