Saturday, May 17, 2008

Those Little Life Moments

Thursday morning I woke up just needing to be held. I wasn't sad or frustrated or overwhelmed, I just needed cuddle time. Coby was in the living room on the couch and so I went in to lay beside him.

There are those moments in your life that for whatever reason leave a lasting impression on you--those moments that are so deep and full of meaning, even though they are so very simple.

Chloe Grace hasn't made much in the way of headlines on my blog yet. Understandably so, she's still in utero and although she does have a personality to me as I am the one carrying her, she is still a bit distant in the way of personal relationships for the time being with her dad, her sister, her family. It's only natural! :) So to describe Chloe Grace to you, let me say that she is a free-mover. She is not restricted or restrained in her movements. I often feel her little hands and feet glide across my belly in one big, huge, swelling motion. She seems to be more laid back than her sister was at this point in development, and obviously a little more content--she's still inside, rather than outside, UNLIKE her sister at her age. Another fascinating thing about her is that she seems to "communicate" to you through movements. As I rub my hand over my belly, I often feel a little nudge and then she'll follow my motion with her little hand or foot. Almost like she's trying to talk to me without saying a word. I was thinking about this in the car on the way home from shopping the other day. I was dwelling on Skyler and how wordy she is--her grand vocabulary for a three year old, her perceptive way of engaging people, especially grown-ups in conversation--and I was wondering how Chloe Grace might be different. In that moment, I felt God say to me, "Some speak without saying a word." An interesting thought to ponder. I wonder what she'll be like--what she'll have to "say" and how she'll communicate differently from her sister. And as I was sitting on the couch with Coby that morning, I was reminded again of that time in the car on the way home.

As I layed there, Coby wrapped his arm around me and gently rubbed my belly. Chloe Grace began to dance under his hand, following the movements and keeping pace. She seemed to be connecting with him on some awesome level I don't yet understand, and that moment, Mommy, Daddy, and Chloe Grace, forever set itself a place in my mind. I remembered sharing moments like these with Skyler, but being so busy and occupied, we've taken very little time to just sit and appreciate our newest little girl. It's a moment I'll remember for always.

Since then, I think God has been speaking to my heart about the tremendous blessing of my family. Coby is such an amazing dad and husband. The closer we get to this birth, the more he loves me in little ways and big ways. I cannot fathom the grace of God in giving me such a man to walk through life with. He's my complete compliment. He's my soul mate, my greatest supporter, and my dearest friend. Skyler is such a blessing to my life. How I see myself in her and oh, the lessons she is teaching me!! She's a fighter, determined and confident, independent and self-assured. She's my little talker--always full of questions and answers. She's my song bird--rarely is there a moment in her day where a song is not on her lips. How I pray that God burns deep in her being the heart of a true worshipper that longs to follow him all the days of her life!!! And as I am getting ready to meet this new little one--by Monday at the latest--I'm so excited to see more of the awesomeness of the blessing of my heavenly Father. I truly am not worthy, but my God is GOOD!!!

So I will seize the day today because tomorrow will be different. I will love and laugh and play, I will contemplate and relax and renew, and as tomorrow comes, with the cares and trials of its own, I will remember THIS day, and last Thursday, and treasure the moments God gives me.


Amy said...

I'm crying right now... with thoughts of thankfulness for you, love for you all, anticipation to hold little Chloe, and appriciation for all that God has blessed you - and me - with. Can't wait to see you soon.

Having It All said...

That was so sweet! This brings back so many memories of when my second baby girl was born. What a sweet time. I am praying for you.

Mama Jeannie said...

Adrielle, that is one of the most beautiful writings I have ever read. Truly what you have said about your little girls and my son has blessed me beyond thinking. I love you so much! I'm a little emotional right now, but when the heart swells with thanksgiving it somehow cannot continue without spilling over into tears of worship for all our God has done.

Mama Jeannie said...
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Rose said...

Can't wait to hear all about sweet Chloe grace! Update when you can!