Saturday, April 25, 2009

I Pledge Allegiance...

Skyler was standing in her chair at the dinner table five minutes ago, alone, because she wouldn't eat at dinner time with everyone else. She was bent over looking at her toes and I hear...

"I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of America, and to the republic, for which it stands, dalmations, under God, invisible, and liberty and justice for all."

I'm just SOOOO PROUD!!!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Out of Town

Well, Grandma passed away on Tuesday night at 11:45. I ended up staying in Amarillo until Monday evening, after a somewhat good report from the doctor. She was at least comfortable and stable--it was just a waiting game at that point since she was not eating or drinking. I'm leaving in the morning with Chloe Grace to fly back for the funeral and will be there just for the day. Please pray for safe travel and easy travel for Chloe. It has been a whirlwind this week--I got home, left again with Coby for New Year's, came home, and I'm leaving again, so she's out of sorts. And she's teething, which is hard for her.

I'm at an interesting emotional place tonight. I'm sure it's grieving of sorts, but it's just a bunch of thoughts--no tears, no sadness--just uneasy and full of questions. I need peace, and I know my God is big enough to provide ALL I need and all my sweet family needs right now. And we're starting a new semester MONDAY!!!???? This holiday is over way too soon.

I hope you are all doing well--I know some of you have experienced much loss yourselves this holiday season, and my prayers are with you. Thanks for being such faithful friends!!